The Wildlife In Need Center offers educational programs designed to help Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops fulfill requirements needed to complete badges. Our educational programs help you and your scouts discover unique wildlife and passion for conservation while also fostering important scout qualities including responsibility, stewardship, and safety. Our programs correlate with National Boy Scout and National Girl Scout standards, incorporates what we do at the center, includes the opportunity to meet some of our educational wildlife ambassadors, and are taught by professional Wisconsin Master Naturalists.
Girl Scout Programs
Get ready to change the world! Our Girl Scout programs align with the Girl Scout mission to build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. We provide programs specific to earning Daisy Petals, Brownie Badges, and Junior Girl Scout Badges, as well as other general scouting programs that suit all ages including earning their Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards.
BUGS- Who eats bugs? Let’s find out what kinds of wild animals would be hungry for
bugs. During this program you’ll meet some birds, reptiles and amphibians and we’ll find
out their favorite bugs to eat!
PETS- There is a big difference between a wild animal and a pet. During this program, wewill learn why wild animals belong in the wild, as well as see some examples of wild animals.
ANIMAL HABITATS- There is no better way to learn about animals and their habitats
than meeting them up-close! For this program, you’ll meet some of our educational animals, hear their personal stories, learn about their species and discover how to protect their natural homes.
ANIMAL HELPERS- The Wildlife in Need Center helps thousands of wild animals in
need each year, but in this program we’ll talk about the numerous ways that animals can
help humans. You’ll meet a handful of our educational animals and we’ll discuss the
importance of their job!
VOICE FOR ANIMALS- It’s time to raise awareness for animals in need! During this
program we’ll dive into the benefits of wildlife rehabilitation, discuss endangered species in
Wisconsin and talk about ways you can get involved and make a difference.
Boy Scout Programs
Come join our pack! Our general program is a fun and informative activity you could include at your next meeting. Our programs can be tailored to your needs and could be used as an introduction to some of the environmental merit badges. Eagle Scouts can collaborate with our animal care team on a number of projects to meet the Eagle Scout’s Service Project requirement and improve the lives of wildlife during their time here at our center. We have a list of can-dos to choose from, or the Scout can request a tour to recognize what our needs are and suggest their own creative project ideas.