Giving Tuesday — December 3, 2019

What is Giving Tuesday??

#GivingTuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back. Charities, families, businesses, community centers and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: To Celebrate Generosity and Give.

Why should you support WINC on Giving Tuesday?

By supporting WINC, you play an important part in promoting Wisconsin’s Ecosystem Health.  Here at WINC, wildlife rehabilitation focuses on the individual wildlife species. The goal is to care for every animal until it can be released back into the wild. If your pet becomes sick, you can take them to a veterinarian. Wild animals do not have “owners” to make sure that they get the care they need so wildlife becomes the responsibility of all us. Unfortunately, many of the wild patients that WINC provides medical care to are injured, orphaned or sick due to human interaction.

WINC is open 365 days a year and is supported by a small staff & almost 140 volunteers, many of which have worked and volunteered here at WINC for more than 10 years!  It is a lot of work to care for over 3,200 wild animals, a total of 61,152 since we began in 1994. Our staff & volunteers are willing to invest the time and energy needed to make a difference. Our volunteers donated 25, 330 hours of their time in 2018 to clean enclosures, prepare species specific diets, answer phone calls and admit incoming patients.

We rely 100% on YOUR donations to pay for the food, medicines, housing needs and other supplies needed to care for over 3,200 wild patients, representing 140 types of native Wisconsin species, that are admitted into our hospital.

Please check out our Facebook page to learn more about our wild patient stories and witness amazing release videos.