Winter Wildlife Tips

February can be a very rough time for native Wisconsin wildlife; the bitter cold temperatures and snow cover can make staying warm and finding food a difficult endeavor even for the most hearty native species.  Many of the animals that Wildlife In Need admits during this time of the year are underweight and weak, oftentimes making them easily approachable by concerned individuals.  To help wildlife in your yard stay healthy through the rest of this winter, here are some easy things you can do:

  • Offer a water source.  Heated bird baths provide an open water source for birds and other wildlife.
  • Keep your feeders stocked!  High energy feeds, like black oil sunflower and suet, can give birds the extra fat content they need to get through those bitter cold days.
  • Disinfect your feeders and bird baths weekly with a 10% bleach solution and rinse thoroughly.  Diseases, like conjunctivitis, can spread more readily in winter because bird feeders are more populated when food is scarce. (To learn more about conjunctivitis, click here.)

If you find an animal that seems to need WINC’s help to make it through the winter, please give us a call at (262) 965-3090.

Frosty Dakota

Though some of our educational ambassadors have to be moved inside during these frosty temperatures, Dakota, the Great Horned Owl, is in his prime!