Spring is in the Air…with Babies soon to Follow!

With today being the first day of spring, WINC staff and volunteers are anticipating the arrival of this year’s first newborn!  We often receive calls asking when native Wisconsin mammals are raising young or when birds will have their first clutch of eggs.  Check out the table below to see when WINC’s most common patients have babies…and consequently when our nurseries will start filling up to the brim!

Species Hatch Dates # of Broods/Year
Great Horned Owl February – July 1
Red-Tailed Hawk March – June 1
Canada Goose March – July 1
Pigeon March – August 2 – 3
Coopers Hawk April – July 1
American Kestrel April – July 1
Barred Owl April – August 1
Screech Owl April – June 1
Mourning Dove April – August 1 – 2
Great Blue Heron April – July 2 – 3
Sandhill Crane April – May 1
Mallard Duck April – August 1
American Robin April – July 2 – 3
Red-Winged Blackbird April – June 1
American Crow April – June 1 – 2
Eastern Bluebird April – July 1 – 2
Northern Cardinal April – August 1 – 4
Tree Swallow May – July 1
Barn Swallow May – August 1 – 2
Blue Jay May – July 1 – 2


 Species Birth Dates # of Litters/Year
Opossum January – March, May – June, August – September  1 – 2
Raccoon February – April 1
Gray Squirrel February – April, September – October 2
Cottontail Rabbit February – October 3 – 4
Fox March – May 1
Coyote March – May 1
Woodchuck March – May 1
Muskrat April – August 2 – 3
Red Squirrel April – May, August – September 1 – 2
Chipmunk April – May, July – August 1 – 2

Do you think you’ve found an orphaned baby?  Please call the Wildlife In Need Center at 262-965-3090.