Eagle Finds Home

August 7, 2016

We are beyond happy to share that our adult female Bald Eagle that was brought to us back in late February with an eye injury and lead poisoning has safely made the trip to her new forever home in Oregon!
She came to us with a very infected left eye and lead poisoning (most likely from eating lead while scavenging on a carcass). We were able to treat her very high levels of lead poisoning and our vet Dr. Nicole Mueller performed an eye evisceration to remove the infected eye. Unfortunately, with that eye gone she had a very hard timing flying as well as she needed, to be able to hunt and survive.
We began looking for permanent placement into a forever home for this beautiful girl. When we are looking to place an animal we need to take a lot of things into consideration; age, sex, injury, temperament, quality of life and more. We knew she would need a lot of space and would not be a bird that would probably do well as a gloved program bird…she would be too stressed.
Luckily after months of searching, we found an amazing place for her at the Oregon Zoo in Portland, Oregon. She will be joining their male they already have in their North American Eagle Canyon exhibit.
Yesterday she was flown via air cargo on an airplane out to Oregon. She left Milwaukee early morning and arrived late afternoon. Anytime we fly an animal on an airplane it can be very scary since wildlife can be stressed easily.
The wonderful staff at Oregon Zoo let our staff know last night that she arrived and was doing well – they are very excited to have her! She will be in quarantine for about 30 days (standard for most zoos) before she will begin being introduced to her exhibit. Good Luck beautiful girl, our staff hopes to visit you some day!