Nest Box Designs and Patterns
Whether you are a gifted carpenter or just learning to swing a hammer you can help make homes for wildlife. Many of our patients, like woodchucks and cottontails, use nest boxes while they are here at the Center as safe hiding places. Other animals, like raccoons and squirrels, take their nest boxes with them when they are released. It provides a place of shelter while they are getting used to their new homes. Some can even be used in your own yard to attract wildlife. These homes for wildlife make great scout projects and Moms and Dads alike can lend a helping hand to make a wildlife home.
Flat Squirrel Hammock and Honey Comb Hammock for Opossum and more
Flying Squirrel Nestbox for our patients!
Flying Squirrel Nestbox for your backyard
American Kestrel Nest Box (link to Cornell Lab Nestwatch)
Raccoon Hammock Sewing Instructions
Bat House (link to Bat Conservation Int’l website)
Knitted Bird and Bunny Nests (we currently have ample inventory)
Tips for making knitted bird and bunny nests:
- Nests must be tightly stitched to prevent toes/nails getting caught in them
- We prefer nests made from more natural/muted colors
- Many types of yarn will work, as long as they aren’t super “fuzzy” (again, so little toes/nails don’t get caught)