Thank You To Our Community!

The Wildlife In Need Center is extremely grateful for the support we received in the past year from foundations, business partners and the community.

We want to recognize the following foundations and corporations for their generous contributions in the past year to the mission of the Wildlife In Need Center:

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Greater Milwaukee Foundation Arthur T. Anderson Family Fund

Dean L. and Rosemarie Buntrock Foundation

The Business Journal

Delafield Community Foundation

D.R.E.A.M. Fund (Schwab Charitable Fund)

Emil Ewald Family Foundation


Jerome and Dorothy Holz Family Foundation

Joseph R. Pabst Fund

Northwestern Mutual Foundation

ORBIS Oconomowoc Community Action Team

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Pearson Family Foundation

Peterson Family Foundation

Quarles & Brady

ROS Foundation

Standard Process Inc.

Winter, Kloman, Moter, & Repp, S.C.


Thank you – in 2014 your generous donations and grants allowed us to:

  • Admit and care for over 2,581 sick, injured or orphaned wildlife covering 132 species
  • Field over 10,000 phone calls to assist the community with questions regarding Wisconsin wildlife
  • Present 116 quality education programs reaching over 25,000 people
  • Provide hands on experience to 10 college interns who seek employment in a wildlife related field
  • Provide fulfilling and unique volunteer opportunities for over 120 adult volunteers (in animal care, office, and education fields) and almost 100 baby bird feeders (a majority of which were youth ages 12-18)
  • Receive Creative Child Magazine’s, “2014 Preferred Choice Award” for WINC’s book on Wisconsin’s environment – Connecting with Wisconsin Wildlife
  • Introduce to the public our newest educational ambassador – a captive bred bull snake (an endangered species in Wisconsin)
  • Transform WINC’s outdoor environment by planting native plants to feed and provide nesting sites for Wisconsin wildlife
  • Begin gathering data and preparing for the next 3 years of our strategic plan to guide the organization through 2018
  • Hold an inaugural “Dakota Society” event for donors who have remembered WINC in their will or with some other legacy type of gift
  • Execute successful events such as our 20th Annual Banquet, our 2nd Fine Wine & Dine, and a multitude of educational meet & greets


Thank You!